+57 300 417 3423
8:00 am to 5:00pm
Atv tours (cuatrimotos Tour)
Walking through the mountains of eastern Antioquia, excellent adrenaline full landscapes. I do not need experience Certified guide with more than 10 years of experience.
40 min - Mirador tour
This route of the necessary emotion for those who want to start in this modality of atvs by the mountains. Routes through streams with water and excellent viewpoints. The route is 10 kms and lasts approximately 40 minutes. $ 45 USD / 120.000 COL
Value for four-wheelers, accommodation for two people. The tours are held every day from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. After making the payment, the date and the reservation time are fulfilled on the phones +57 3004173423
1:30 hours - La Pinera Tour
This route will cross a forest where we will put the ATVs to swim through the gully the sling. No experience required. Recommended for couples. The route is 18 kms and lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. $ 65 USD / 170,000 COL / Value for four-wheelers, accommodation for two people.
Value for four-wheelers, accommodation for two people. The tours are held every day from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. After making the payment, the date and the reservation time are fulfilled on the phones +57 3004173423
2:30 hours Yarumo Tour
This tour, as its name says, has a sighting of Yarumos trees, where we mix the fabulous landscape with the excitement of atvs, water zones and exclusive ATV trails. Recommended for couples.
The tour is 24 kms and lasts approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. $ 90 USD / 240,000 COL / Value per quad, accommodation for two people.